Many entrepreneurs wonder if opting for an all-inclusive executive suite truly translates to cost savings for their business. The answer? It depends.

While the convenience of moving into a fully furnished office space without the hassle of acquiring furniture and equipment is undeniably appealing, it’s essential to scrutinize the value proposition offered by all-inclusive packages.

Start by assessing what services are included in the monthly cost and determine whether they align with your business needs. Some all-inclusive features may include services that you’ll never utilize or charge exorbitant fees for additional amenities. Conduct a comparative analysis by examining executive suite centers that offer à la carte services to gauge the true value of the all-inclusive model.

If the price difference between an all-inclusive package and à la carte services is negligible (typically around $100 per month or less), it may be worthwhile for the added convenience and simplicity. However, if the cost disparity is significant—amounting to hundreds of dollars per month or annually—it’s prudent to reassess your decision.

Additionally, ensure that you inquire about potential rent increases after the initial lease term. Request clarification on whether the manager can provide a cap rate or an option to renew at the same rate to safeguard against unexpected expenses down the line.

Ultimately, executive suite centers are often flexible and willing to negotiate terms to accommodate your business needs. Don’t hesitate to engage in discussions with the manager to explore mutually beneficial solutions and secure the best value for your investment.


Chris, Leasing Manager

ViewPointe Executive Suites