1. Size Variations: Executive Suites typically consist of one room, with sizes ranging from as little as 100 sq. ft. to larger spaces of about 400 or 500 sq. ft. For those seeking premium Class “A” luxury offices, options may be available starting at approximately $700 per month, extending up to $2,500 per month. Alternatively, for those not requiring high-end amenities, there are options available starting at around $600 per month.
  2. Inclusive Amenities: Some executive suite centers offer “all-inclusive” packages, encompassing essential amenities such as phone systems, internet access,  and administrative support. These comprehensive packages provide convenience and efficiency, streamlining business operations for tenants.
  3. Customized Services: Alternatively, some executive suite centers may offer a “basic” service package with additional services available on a menu basis, which are charged separately. This allows tenants to tailor their service offerings based on their specific needs and budgetary considerations.
  4. Research and Incentives: It’s advisable to conduct thorough online research to explore various executive suite centers and their offerings. Many centers provide incentives for new tenants, making it an opportune time to secure a favorable deal. Don’t hesitate to ask questions during your search process to ensure you find the best fit for your business requirements.


At ViewPointe Executive Suites, we understand the importance of providing flexible options and exceptional value to our tenants. Whether you’re seeking a premium luxury office or a more budget-friendly solution, we’re here to assist you every step of the way.

For more information on our executive suite offerings and current incentives, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to helping you find the perfect workspace for your business needs.

Chris, Leasing Manager
ViewPointe Executive Suites