According to Statista, freelance workers will make up the bulk of the workforce in the US by 2027. More and more business owners realize the importance of tapping into the gig economy. The benefits include easy access to specialized talent and the ability to scale up and down when needed, thus increasing the agility of your business. If you are considering incorporating freelance workers into your organization, here’s how this move will impact your workspace.

Increased Flexibility

One of the most significant benefits of the gig economy is that it can expand your talent pool. This is great news because having access to the best talent on the market ultimately boosts your bottom line. It also encourages you to create a more flexible workspace that accommodates the needs of freelancers. It’s important to realize that freelancers value their flexible schedules, and they prefer operating within a flexible workspace. For example, freelancers value the ability to work in a virtual office instead of commuting every day.

Streamlined Communication and Collaboration

Hiring freelance workers also forces you to ride the wave of digital transformation and enjoy its benefits. By way of example, since freelancers work in a virtual office, there’s a need to upgrade communications technology so you can collaborate with freelancers from anywhere in the world. By focusing on transformation, you easily improve the efficiency of your workspace. Clear and convenient communication ensures that everyone is on the same page regardless of where they are, and this allows projects to be completed at a faster pace.

Reduced Costs

Overall, hiring freelancers can reduce the cost of running the typical workspace. A virtual office requires fewer costs than a physical one. This enables you to lower your overhead costs and reduce the cost per employee in a physical office to boost your profits. Your business doesn’t have to pay for additional space in a physical building each time you hire new freelancers. The costs associated with having a physical space include rentals, utilities, and taxes, which all add up in the long run. In turn, freelancers can also profit since they don’t have to commute every day. This boosts satisfaction among your freelance workers and motivates them to be more productive, creating a win-win situation.

As you can see, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the growing gig community will have a positive impact on your business. Get in touch with us today if you need help creating the right virtual office space for your freelance workers.